Jamie Renee Williams

Based in Los Angeles, I design and cultivate relationships through gardens, writing, UX and music.

Ways I'm connecting to this life...


Offering hope for the cost of living

See how user research and human-centered UX designs grounded complex policy, lowering the time it takes to apply for safety net benefits.

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Bringing Care, Compassion and Love to Member Reporting

Focusing on UX / Product designing for an inclusive member experience and Trust + Safety, learn how I redesigned the member reporting experience for folks who had experienced harm in digital dating.

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Sparking A transformative Learning Movement for Courageous Motion

Reflections on the importance of combining emotional intelligence and analytical ways of learning on a racial equity platform which aims to inspire grassroots action. Read how I tapped into inclusive user experience design principles to help learners align with emotional self as the path to courageous action and meaningful connection with the collective.

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Writing as healing, as exploration, as resistance and love

skew magazine

Black Dreams, Futures & Mutual Support. Some poems are published here as part of SKEW Magazine and experimental art + dialogue magazine produced by Level Ground. Modelled on mutuality, this issue is co-owned by all the contributors and all the sales are shared by all of us equally.

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Planting The Future of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are here and it isn't exactly what the Terminator movies made it out to be. See how I designed a zine that explores whether or not AI/ML can be altruistic and amplify kindness. Printed on plantable, wildflower paper the zine also brings attention to the need for circular and regenerative economy mindsets in tech.Can AI help us heal ourselves and the earth?

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